How To Configure Nginx As A Load Balancer

Torben Dury · November 21, 2021

Software-based horizontal scaling infrastructure is popular because of its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. You need a load balancer that behaves as dynamic as your infrastructure.


NGINX fills our need as a load balancer in a number of ways. It can be configured as a HTTP, TCP and UPD load balancer with different balancing behaviors, which I will cover in this blog post.

You also need to ensure that the backends you are balancing load to are healthy - NGINX “Plus” offers health checks for this, passive and active ones. The free version of NGINX offers only passive health checking. We will discuss this later in this post.

Load Balancing Protocols

HTTP Load Balancing

Let’s get to the most basic use case: You want to distribute request load between >=2 HTTP web servers.

NGINX offers a HTTP module to balance load via a upstream block, as shown here:

    upstream myBackend {
        server       weight=1;
        server    weight=2;
    server {
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://myBackend;

This configuration snippet will balance any loads across the two declared HTTP servers on port 80. The weight parameter defined will tell NGINX to pass twice as many connections to the second server (weight=2). weight defaults to 1.


The shown upstream module controls HTTP load balancing for us. We can define a pool of destination servers (by IP, DNS records - yes, even UNIX sockets) and can control balancing mechanisms by declaring weight on certain upstreams. Each upstream destination may be defined in the server directive block. You can even control balancing algorithms (NGINX Plus feature).

To make this part complete, NGINX “Plus” (paid version) offers you some more convenient parameters as connection limits, thresholds, advanced DNS resolution and even some load ramping mechanisms.

NGINX “Plus” features will not be discussed in this post.

TCP Load Balancing

Let’s head away from HTTP and go to more backend-ish things, based on TCP connections. With NGINX, you can provide a HTTP frontend to speak with TCP backends, such as a MySQL database cluster.

Define an example cluster like this:

    stream {
        upstream mysql_readonly_instances {
            server   weight=5;
            server                 backup;
        server {
            listen 3306;
            proxy_pass mysql_readonly_instances;

This one is a little bit more complicated. The server block instrcuts NGINX to listen on TCP:3306 and balance incoming load between two MySQL servers (read1 and read2) - and even lists another one as a pure backup, just in case that read1 and read2 die.


IMPORTANT: This config should not be added to conf.d/, as those configs will be used within http blocks - instead, you will create a folder, e.g. stream.conf.d, open a stream block inside your nginx.conf file and include the folder with the snippet above.

With the stream module, you may (just like in HTTP load balancing) define upstream server. When defining your server, you need to pass a port to listen on (optional: address + port). The upstream block is pretty much like the HTTP load balancer upstream block.

UDP Load Balancing

Let’s get to the last kind of load balancing that NGINX provides us out-of-the-box: UDP load balancing. Take a use case: You have several NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers which keep your applications in time sync. Your apps periodically check for the time to ensure that everything is in sync. You need to provide a high available backend for NTP.

Take the following example:

    stream {
        upstream ha_ntp {
            server weight=2;
        server {
            listen 123 udp;
            proxy_pass ha_ntp;

In this config example, we tell NGINX to use the UDP protocol by appending udp to our server block. Again, we use stream, which will be included from a stream.conf.d folder inside nginx.conf.


NTP is a very basic example. If we need to pass multiple requests and answers back and forth, we can declare the reuseport parameter. You definitely want to use this if you implement services like VPNs, VoIP, virtual desktops or DTLS.

Take this as an example: You are running a NGINX instance and have a OpenVPN server running locally. You want to use this code snippet:

    stream {
        server {
            listen 1195 udp reuseport;

Client which connect to your NGINX instance via port UDP:1195 will then be forwarded to your OpenVPN server which (per default) listens on UDP:1194.

Passive Health Checks

Passive health checking is part of the Open Source version of NGINX, so let’s look into it, too. When you need to ensure that only healthy upstream servers are being used, configure your upstream like this:

    upstream backend {
        server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=2s;
        server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=2s;

NGINX can monitor the status of proxied requests when they are passed through.

NOTE: Health checks are monitored and enabled by default! Above example only shows you how to tweak it a little bit. Monitoring is key on all types of load balancing. For better user experience, as well as business continuity. You can tweak passive health checks for HTTP, TCP and UDP.

Slow Start

Slow starting in NGINX enables us to give applications the time they need to startup before being bombed with requests. For example, if your MySQL servers need 30s to startup, you may implement your upstream backends like this:

    upstream {
        server   slow_start=30s weight=5;
        server   slow_start=30s;
        server                 backup;

The example is took from the UDP section and was enhanced by the slow_start parameter. This tells NGINX to slowly ramp up traffic to the upstream servers after they are introduced into the upstream pool. read1 and read2 will experience slowly ramping traffic over the first 30s when they are entering the upstream pool.

Sum Up

In this post, you learned:

  • How to implement load balancing for HTTP, TCP and UDP
  • Tweak passive health checking for your backend upstreams
  • Slowly ramp up load to your backends as soon as they join the upstream pool

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